Many times, when I sit down to write, I second guess what I want to write about. I have never felt comfortable expressing my thoughts on paper, though it was very therapeutic once I did it. Publishing those thoughts for people to read is a different story and it has stifled my self expression in the past. Reflecting, it has been about feeling vulnerable, being judged or feeling like I was good enough. That is why I sometimes struggle to blog; that fear of being judged, feeling ... View Post
Archives for August 2019
Stress and Cancer
I've known for years that chronic stress can lead to all types disease including cancer. My personal journey to stay healthy started about 15 years ago after my divorce. I knew if I didn't deal with my negative emotions, they would eat away at my body over time. That journey lead to yoga, meditation and EFT or tapping. I've been practicing tapping since 2008 with many positive results. The following article on how tapping can help fight cancer is very informative and I am glad to see tapping ... View Post
How Memories Form – And How We Lose Them
I have been studying the brain, memories, and how our current lives are a representation of what we hold from the past. This is a cute video by TED-Ed that you may find interesting. ... View Post