Many people are confused about how saying a bunch of words, and tapping on certain meridian points can lead to such remarkable physical and emotional results?
The results can be hard to believe, especially when you hear things like cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, Lyme disease, OCD, PTSD being cured, just through Faster EFT tapping.
Faster Emotionally Focused Transformations (FasterEFT), is a mind-based system, founded on Neurology and Biology.
Emotions affect both our physical and mental wellbeing.
So it follows that once your turbulent emotions are healed and cleaned up, you’ll have overall wellbeing.
The foundation belief in Faster EFT is that there is no disruption of energy, unlike traditional EFT.
In fact, everything in your life and body is functioning as it should.
According to the way the brain has developed in order to survive in the environment, depending on your life’s experiences.
In Faster EFT, the tapping is used to disrupt the signal between the brain and the major organs of the body that trigger the fight or flight response while changing neural pathways in the neocortex of the brain.
The Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe doesn’t just deal with energy disruptions, which only fixes the outer issue of the problem.
It deals with the root cause of the problems, eliminating them completely.
Faster EFT recognizes that experiences are recorded in the subconscious for future reference.
This is how we learn to walk, drive, take a shower, eat, wash the dishes, type etc. without needing to consciously concentrate on every movement and decision.
Regular EFT specifically believes that negative emotions have nothing to do with memories, and are caused only by a disruption in the body’s energy system.
The FasterEFT Tapping Basic Recipe interrupts that signal between the brain and the organs by focusing on the meridian points connected to those organs.
This rewrites the reference or memory associated with that trigger.
For example, if Tom feels angered by the loud music and wanted to change that automatic response, he could use the Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe to disrupt the production of the chemicals that cause the feeling of anger when he hears the loud music.
And change the meaning of the loud music in his subconscious from “rude” or “disruptive” (or whatever they learned it means) to fun and enjoyment.
This will then result in an automatic feeling of enjoyment and fun when Tom hears that loud music in the future.
The Neuroscience of FasterEFT
While the brain is a complex organ and neuroscientists still don’t know everything about it (and may never find out), the research and studies that have been carried out in the field of neuroscience have given us a reasonable “working knowledge” of how the brain works to a certain level.
In other words, science has given us enough knowledge to enable us to use our brains more effectively to significantly improve our day-to-day lives.
We don’t know everything about how our phones work, but using the “Quick Start” guide we can learn enough to operate the phone more efficiently and make use of the applications we need.
A Quick Start Guide for Your Brain
The brain can be divided into many different sections, each of which produces specific functions; but for the quick start guide all you need to know are three of these sections.
The three parts that make up your human brain for the purposes of this quick start guide are:
- The neocortex;
- the limbic brain and;
- the cerebellum.
How does FasterEFT work at the physical level?The NeocortexThis is where you do your thinking.
The neocortex is made up of billions of neurons or nerve cells; and each time you have a thought, connections are made between specific neurons.
When you have the same thought over and over again, the neurons are “wired” by a substance that allows that connection to become more permanent.
This is how we learn information intellectually.
Thoughts that refer to the same topic will be wired in “gangs” or communities – forming neural networks.
When you cease to think a certain thought, the connection weakens or atrophies.
This is how we forget information.
However, because the connection was present, depending on how long ago it was made, and the type of connection, it will take less time to rewire it – and as a result, relearn that information.
The Limbic BrainThe limbic brain is also known as the chemical brain, and is basically our “drug lab”.
It is where chemicals are produced in response to the connections that are being made in the neocortex.
When we have a thought, and a connection is made in the neocortex, the limbic brain is triggered to produce certain chemicals that will produce sensations that match that thought.
In other words, when you think a sad thought, your limbic brain will produce chemicals that cause the sensations of sadness in your body.
When you think a happy thought, your limbic brain will produce chemicals that cause the sensations of happiness in your body.
The CerebellumThis is the oldest part of the human brain, and it is the seat of the unconscious.
This is the part of the brain that allows you to carry out actions without needing to think about each aspect.
It is also the part of the brain that produces your automatic reactions to triggers and stimuli.
When someone “pushes your buttons” it is your cerebellum that responds with the automatic reaction – triggering chemicals to be produced in your limbic brain and the other organs in your body that cause an emotional response.
When you learn something, you will learn it using thought initially (through connections in your neocortex), which will cause a chemical response in the limbic brain and other organs.
When this is repeated over and over, the connection in your neocortex becomes “wired” – allowing faster transfer of the information between the neurons.
And as the repetition continues, the combination of the wired connection in the neocortex and the repeated flooding of matching chemicals through your bloodstream causes the cerebellum to record that specific event.
However, the cerebellum does not need repetition in order to record events, responses, and conditions.
Since its primary function is your survival it is designed to prioritize any information that it considers a threat to your well-being.
In other words, you will only need to be exposed to the pain of putting your hand on a hot stove once for that connection to be made in your brain.
A strong fight-freeze-or-flight response to a threat will usually be recorded in your cerebellum the first time it happens.
From then on, whenever you encounter that threat again your subconscious will trigger your brain to signal your organs to produce the fight or flight chemicals – which will put your body into a state of emergency.
You will experience state as fear, anxiety, anger, hurt or any other stress emotion.
The threat does not necessarily need to be real.
Since your subconscious does not have the ability to reason, use logic, or distinguish right from wrong or true from false, it responds based purely on the data it already contains – whether that data is correct, logical and reasonable or not.
Let’s take an Example:
Mary is an 8-year-old child, and experiences a stressful situation in school – the teacher asks her to recite information she doesn’t know and then scolds her in front of the rest of the class for her failure.
Mary’s body goes into a state of fight-freeze-or-flight – the stress response – and the cerebellum is triggered to record the event as a threat.
The brain makes a connection between the situation (being the center of attention) and the fight-freeze-or-flight stress response.
The exact connection will depend on the data already held in her subconscious.
This may result in a fear of public speaking, or social anxiety, or a range of other possibilities – depending on what other memories she holds and continues to collect.
As you go through your life, your subconscious is constantly referring to the records it holds and triggering the brain and body to respond accordingly.
How does FasterEFT work with respect to the tapping points?The Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe has only FIVE steps, that takes only 30 seconds to do.
Anyone of any age can learn this simple technique and use it whenever they want, wherever they are with lasting results.
It may seem a little strange at first, but after a couple of round of using the Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe, you’ll feel more comfortable.
The following illustration is pretty straightforward and we’ll give a brief explanation of it as well.
For now, just identify each of these Faster EFT Tapping points on your body and follow along!
Step #1: Aim
Notice how you know you have the problem.
You don’t need to know what the emotions or feelings are, just notice how you know they’re there.
What do you feel?
Where in your body do you feel it?
What do you see or hear?
How do you know it’s a problem?
Step #2: Tap
Use two fingers to tap the following points, while focusing on the feeling of your fingers on your skin:- between your eyebrows
- beside your eye
- under your eye
- just below your collarbone
While you are tapping, say “Let it go”.
You can also add “It’s safe to let it go”.
Note: It doesn’t matter which side you tap – you can do either side or both if you like.
Step #3: Peace
Grab your wrist, take a deep breath, blow it out, and say “peace” – and go to a peaceful memory for a moment.
Step #4: Check
Go back to your problem and take notice of how it’s changed.
Do you feel different?
Is the intensity of the feeling different?
Does the memory look or sound different?
Just notice.
Step #5: Repeat
Repeat steps two to four until the feeling or memory has “flipped” – in other words, the negative memory has been replaced by a positive memory.
How does FasterEFT work at the Physical Level?
Neuroscientist, Dr. Joe Dispenza points out that in the neocortex of the brain, nerve cells that fire together wire together.
This means that the more you think and react in the same ways you’ve always done, the more automated your thinking and reactions become.
He goes on to stress that in order to change your automatic responses, you need to consciously become aware of your habitual thinking (metacognition), and make different choices in the moment.
When you cease to use a specific connection and use a different connection instead, you literally rewire the neocortex of your brain.
How does FasterEFT work at the Emotional Level
Consistent FasterEFT tapping “rewires” the neocortex.
This causes a change in automatic thought patterns – and, as a result, in emotional states.
However, there may be a faster and more direct way to make these changes.
FasterEFT has been designed to change memories that cause negative emotions into positive memories.
By changing a memory from negative to positive, the resulting positive chemical responses produce a very different effect on the body.
In addition to this, the changes in the neocortex are an automatic result since all changes in thought patterns cause restructuring in the neocortex.
FasterEFT not only causes the user to think differently – using new connections in the neocortex – it does this with the original memory or record instead of with the current thought process alone.
In other words, instead of working with the neocortex (and by association, with the limbic brain) alone, it is designed to work with the subconscious – the part of you that is in charge of your automatic reactions and responses.
The result is: very fast, significant changes in the brain and in the automatic responses of the body.
Instead of the repetition that is needed in order to change the neural pathways on a more permanent basis (rewiring), the changes are made using the cerebellum – the part of the brain responsible for automated and instinctual reactions and responses, as well as emotional memory.
Try it yourself
Since it doesn’t cost anything, and you don’t need any special equipment or an expert in order to use it, you can carry out your own experiment, and test it for yourself.
Persistence is essential.
Don’t stop until it’s changed – even if it doesn’t feel like it’s going to change – it will, as long as you keep going until it does.
original article: by Cindy (Selvaggio) Shumaker No comments:
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5 Steps to Resolving Chronic Illnesses
For those who have been living with chronic illnesses and have tried everything to find relief, it can be difficult to remain hopeful. It can be extremely difficult to resist falling into depression, hopelessness and helplessness. Tiffany Jeffers and Heather McKean are two, among the thousands of the people who found freedom from chronic illnesses – using FasterEFT. While it may sound too good to be true, when you understand how and why FasterEFT works, it will all make perfect sense.
Once you start working with the FasterEFT Tapping technique,you’ll realize that you’ve stored all of the traumatic memories from your life in your body. In other words, painful and traumatic memories are represented within your body as chronic illnesses. Even the ones you consciously can’t remember – those are the ones that show up as pain and other symptoms in your body. Freedom from severe pain can bring unimagined joy in your life, but only if you apply these techniques.
Let’s take you through how Tiffany went from receiving therapy from the VA to help her live without trying to commit suicide, to living a healthy, active, fun and productive life, free from the chronic illnesses that had debilitated her. Up until October 2013 her conditions included: Severe fibromyalgia; arthritis; chronic fatigue; spinal cord and neck injury; peripheral neuropathy; IBS; asthma; cancer; clinical depression; a range of allergies; and so much more. For the full details of her conditions and how she’s healed, watch her testimonial here: PTSD I had Chronic Headaches, pain, depression, IBS, Cancer, Insomnia and Fibromyalgia.
1. Use the FasterEFT Tapping technique to change the references held in the subconscious that result in problems in all areas of life, including chronic pain and diseases. The FasterEFT tapping technique disrupts the production of the chemicals that cause the feeling of fear, anger, anxiety or any other negative emotion and changes the meaning of that traumatic memory in the subconscious from “fear” or “anger” (or whatever that memory represents) to peace. This will then result in an automatic feeling of peace and satisfaction whenever you reference that memory in the future.
2. Once you’ve learned how to use the FasterEFT tapping technique by watching Robert’s videos on YouTube to free yourself from your immediate chronic conditions and pain, the key is to keep going. You need to take the responsibility by continuing to address traumatic memories, in order to experience complete recovery. Watch how to use the A.R.T. of Change process to address and flip subconscious beliefs that contribute to chronic illnesses. continued to use FasterEFT on her traumatic memories and other stressors.
This is how Tiffany was able to heal her physical body from the incredible range of chronic illnesses she had suffered from for so many years. This is how, two and a half years later she is still completely pain free and the life of her dreams with her husband and children, without depending on medication.
3. Make a list of all the things you want to change in your life right now. If that seems like it a daunting task, then start by prioritizing what is bothering you the most right now. It could be health, finances, relationships or a combination. You can even split the list into different categories if that makes it more achievable.
The point is to make a list and then start going through the list addressing each one of those problems using the Eutaptics memory reimprinting process. Turn those heartaches into heart waves! Dare to dream about turning your sorrows in joy, because with the Eutaptics memory reimprinting process, it is possible, and that’s exactly what thousands of people have done! Chronic illnesses don’t stand a chance once you make up your mind to do whatever it takes to live free from pain
Read the rest of the article here: by Cindy (Selvaggio) Shumaker No comments:
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The Simple Daily Routine that Will Transform Your Life
If there was one, simple thing you could do every morning that cost nothing, that could completely transform your life, would you do it? If you could wave a magic wand right now and change something in your life, what would it be?
In the absence of a magic wand, do you want that change enough to take a few minutes each morning to get those changes? You brush your teeth every morning so that they will remain healthy and strong; and you take a shower or bath to remain clean and hygienic; you wash your dishes (or pack and unpack the dishwasher) so that they remain clean and hygienic; you get dressed so that you don’t turn up in public in your pajamas (or worse).
This little routine is the equivalent of all these other habits you already practice every day – it takes a little discipline to do it at first, and then it becomes automatic – and the effects will astound you.
How to Transform Your Life through One Simple Routine
Take just a few minutes in the morning, before you start your day, to practice this routine. Make it a priority. Skip listening to or reading the news; postpone checking social media until later; get up just a few minutes earlier – do whatever it takes to fit this in because it affects absolutely everything else in your life.
Grab a piece of paper and a pen, sit comfortably, and take a deep breath. Now, think about the day ahead, and write down the things that are bothering you. Write down what you’re worried or anxious about, write down the challenges you’re expecting – anything that makes you feel less than good.
Next, take the thing that bothers you most, close your eyes, take another deep breath, and notice how you feel about it. Notice what you’re feeling, where in your body you’re feeling it, and how strong it is. Then use the FasterEFT technique to clear and flip it. If memories come up while you’re going through this process, make a note of them, and address those as well. Don’t stop until you have completely cleared and flipped the feelings, thoughts and memories that were bothering you.
How Does it Work?
This is not about just feeling better in the moment. It’s not even about putting your mind at rest for the day ahead. What you are doing during that process is changing the original records in your subconscious that are the cause of the experiences that are bothering you.This is more than coping better with your challenges – it is the mind-hack tool to transform those challenges, no matter what they may be.
From physical ailments and anxiety to problems with other people and difficult circumstances, what you experience is determined by what you are carrying in your subconscious. For more details on this, read: How FasterEFT Solves the REAL Cause of All Your Problems. Change those records, and you change your life.
Tips for Success
- You may find you feel resistance to doing this each day. If this is the case, it’s even more important to do it since it means you are very close to change! For more information on this, read: What You Need to Know About Resistance.
- Time is a big challenge for most people in the mornings. Prioritize this routine over everything else – even if it’s just for one week. Since it will affect everything else, it is the priority.
- You may not believe it will work. It can seem too simple to really have an impact. Why not just try it for two days. As long as you’re doing it correctly, and following the process until you flip the feelings, thoughts and memories, you should see enough of a difference in those two days to continue.
- Read: How to Change Your Reality; and The FasterEFT Technique – Step-by-Step before you start, to make sure you’re using the technique correctly in order to see the best results.
For more information on FasterEFT and how it works, read: The Basics of FasterEFT.For more guidance on using the process, visit: Tips on Using FasterEFTand FAQ.To see FasterEFT in action, watch the videos in the FasterEFT in Action Playlist.